Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Beautiful In My Country

After Kevin Prufer’s In a Beautiful Country

One way to be beautiful in my country
is to stand on the halfcourt line in the pubescent
stink of a dodgeball game

Another way to be beautiful in my country
is to leave your house without using the bathroom
then go stand in line

The lines were drawn before the game was known
The foul lines and the hash lines forgotten
the waiting lines, the slaughter lines full
the lines that matter separating sides.

an unfed tiger behind you and only talk with tiger-owners
if you want to be beautiful in my country 
commiserate on how it’s hard to find affordable housing
outside of the zoo—
 the beasts of the fields are brought into the streets—
cut off your hands
and try to hold down a job at GM
you’ll be beautiful then—
yes, even my brethren—

They have put us to pain
and they profit from it
They have put them to pain
who cannot profit from it
We put ourselves to pain—

A good way to be black in my country
is to suckle your newborn on the black tit
of a beretta while overhead spins
a white horse a white diamond and a white Barbie. 

by: L. Raymond Andrews

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